
PLC Automation

We help you on all your PLC / SCADA projects.
We have more than 10 years of expertise with different products from the Siemens S7-300 and S7-400 family to the S7-1200 and S7-1500 systems, combined with extensive knowledge on the WinCC SCADA/HMI.

We take care of your new automation project from design to commissioning:
– Programming Logical Control (PLC) based system installations with their excellent reliability last for decades. At Theoval we know how to take care of your installation and how to best upgrade it.
– If you are planning to migrate your older installations from S7-200 or S7-300/400 to newer system installation, we are there for you with our know how and expertise.
– Should you want to automatize your SCADA system or to add data analysis capacity, we can help you out.

keywords: Automation / WinCC / S7-300 / S7-400 / S7-1200 / S7-1500 / Modbus / Profibus / Profinet / OPC / VBS / VBA / C / Python Pandas
System Architect

With a holistic approach, we design innovative automation systems, that integrate/combine user interface, automation hardware, PLC and the IT network seamlessly

keywords: system architecture / network / computer / vpn / firewall / hmi / cybersecurity / fiber / redundancy
Installation, Commissioning & Customer support

A project is not finished until it’s commissioned to the last bit, sounds trivial ? Not when you have done extensive commissioning around the world in more than 30 countries. We help you on this dazzling task.

Either on site or remotely.

We train you technician to become self-sufficient wherever they go.

We offer an excellent support for your customer on site either in the Benelux region or worldwide.

keywords: Site Acceptance Test / Factory Acceptance Test / Troubleshooting / Customer support

Training is a vital part of our job, it’s when the end-user begin to assimilate  the product.

We have given training worldwide, 

keywords: Annexe 14 / ICAO


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